Press International President sends a message to all the Lions of the world.
Dear Lion,
is a real pleasure for me to talk about something I is close to my heart: Lions Quest. Some of you may not know a lot of Lions Quest, while others are already participating very actively. So why Lions Quest is so important for us Lions and for me, personally? Because it gives hope to young people. Because it gives hope to the community. But the most important thing is that it offers the hope of a better future. With our program Lions Quest, we take values \u200b\u200bto live a healthy life. We provide answers to questions like: what is violence? What is frustration? How can I say NO to drugs? What is personal responsibility? A school is not sufficient only to teach concepts, it is also important to provide capacity practices perraggiungere greater harmony and success. There is no other program in the world that is present in over 60 countries to offer young people practical skills. So we've set a goal to expand to more than 10 other countries. Only last month were approved 14 new grants will continue to support our expansion. Thanks to our efforts, 12 million young people have received health benefits and have acquired useful skills for life. Half a million teachers have received training aimed at teaching program Lions Quest. Do you agree with me that this is really incredible results? We must continue to work together to achieve even more.
Lions in many countries around the world have been able to experience the positivity of Lions Quest. For the first time, I was present, with the Lions Quest Our team, as the Constitutional Forum, during which we received a very encouraging response. This month I am going to Bhutan and Nepal to share the feelings of Lions Quest, Lions looking to start the program. I find it very exciting and promising that so many Lions are involved in Lions Quest. I ask you to join us to help us expand this fantastic program to make a better life a reality for young people around the world. Today's youth are the future of tomorrow. We need your help. With your support, transform our goal a reality. I count on you. We really rely on you. Throw all of you the challenge of becoming our ambassadors in the coming months. Help us to continue our activities. My best regards, Eberhard J.
Wirfs President of Lions Clubs International Foundation
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