Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How Much Does It Cost To Database

... To each his own spirit

Tonight medication than effervescent aspirin I took a magazine: "Knowing & HEALTH". I drew the title on the cover, "Psyche, the humor that heals" and here I want to put a portion of the article then I went to read:)

some time enjoying the joy of unprecedented popularity. Despite the worries of everyday life and global uncertainty - or perhaps because of them - has become fashionable to laugh. Indeed, it has become a serious matter.

The Irala has risen not only to the cultural heritage of all respect, but also to scienfico topic of interest: the gradual increase in the media of comic material (format television, theater, film, books) is has joined the proliferation of empirical studies on humor and laughter in the psychological, sociological and medical.

The first philosophical disquisition on the role of comedy dates back to Plato.

For centuries, rice and humor prevailed a negative image, which they perceived as a manifestation of immaturity and lack of moral character or conduct as socially dangerous. However, even then did not escape any of the properties now the most popular humor: to circumvent the conventions and hierarchies to show the implications of reality constituted less decent, or simply offer a view played down the world.

Today the joke is no longer inconvenient, it is a sign of intelligence and is socially approved, sometimes even for his transgression and for its ability to facilitate interpersonal relationships. Laughter is accepted, even sought, indeed highly recommended. To ease the life course.

To lift the mood course. But also to stay healthy.

The interest of the medical for the effects of the fun is a novelty in recent decades. The most ardent supporters have set up in many countries - from the U.S. to South Africa, Germany and New Zealand - associations that offer various forms of comicoterapia.

And a curious thing:)

To each his own spirit

Two recent psychological studies (undertaken by the psychobiologists Robert Provine in the United States by psychologist Donald Franciscan Order in Italy) on the relationship people people with humor and the different types of rice have shown "cuorcontenti.


- men are more often producers of humor, that is laughable, and prefer the humor of movies or jokes;

- women are more often consumers of humor, that laugh, and prefer the comedy inherent in the events of everyday life;

- the more extroverted appreciate the humor of the jokes immediate simple;

-'s introverts prefer the humor of such "intellectual" plays on words and nonsense or black humor;

- people emotionally unstable appreciate humor more disruptive and aggressive and less sociable;

- individuals with high self-esteem effortlessly using a variety of forms of humor and comic stimuli;

- individuals become less confident of a strong more aggressive humor. :-)

by KNOW & HEALTH - Bimonthly - Year 12 October 2007 n. 67 - article by Monica Oldani

Friday, November 16, 2007

Arizon Rx Energy Drink

thinking body slowly dies

Everything that happens to us, whether internalized or externalized, depends on the central nervous system. The gesture informs our brain and is the his service. The brain controls the movement through the same neural mechanisms by which allows us to think and be conscious, the brain mechanisms activated by the arrival of sensory impressions. A new gesture command uses new nerve.

Similarly, every aspect of mental life, behavior, attitudes, feelings, tastes, has its own reason for being in the nervous structures.

exist as a human being is unthinkable without the human body.
"Man is a thinking body," says Dr. Paul Chauchard and "can only find the balance in harmony with a body happy."

mechanisms that allow us to think and be conscious come into play with the arrival of sensory impressions to the brain. One may therefore say that the intelligence there is nothing that is not from the senses.

The Chinese language illustrates this assertion in a surprising way with the Chinese character which means intelligence. It consists of two characters representing a hearing the other view, noting the sensory aspect of intelligence and the importance of the first order the contribution somatic in mental life.

by Harmony Tai Chi Chuan Body and Spirit - James Kou

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Vodafone Usb Dongle Hack

was looking for a Chinese character and instead I came across this poem by Pablo Neruda ...

slowly dies who becomes the slave of habit,
repeating every day the same itineraries, who does not change the march
who does not risk and change the color of the clothes,
does not talk to those who do not know.

He or she who shuns passion, who prefers

black on white, dotting the "i"
rather than a set of emotions,

precisely those that make your eyes sparkle,

those that are of a yawn smile
those that make the heart beat
face of mistakes and feelings.

Slowly dies who does not overthrow the table
who is unhappy at work,

who does not risk certainty for uncertainty to follow a dream, who does not allow

least once in their lives to flee
tips sensible.

He or she who does not travel, who does not read
does not listen to music,
who does not find grace in himself.

Dies slowly he who destroys pride,
who does not accept help;
who passes his days complaining of his bad luck

or the incessant rain. He or she

who abandons a project before starting it,

who does not ask questions on subjects he does not know, who does not answer

when asked something he knows.

We avoid death in small doses, remembering always that

being alive requires an effort far greater

the simple act of breathing.

Only a burning patience will lead to the achievement

of a splendid happiness.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Tennis Racket For Spondylosis


I felt a tear in his mind as if
the brain was split
tried to reconnect
point by point but I could not let them mate.

The thought behind, I strove to unite in the face at the thought

but the sequence broke up without sound
as balls on a floor.

I felt a cleaving in my mind as if my brain
HAD split
I tried to match it seam by seam
But Could not Make Them Fit.

The thought behind, I Strove to join
But before the thought out of Sequence ravelled
sound like balls upon a floor.

Emily Dickinson

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Donjoy Defiance3 Prices

well Plato said ...

well Plato said: "At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet." Or a cynic.

people you love.

We love the experience, groups, events, abstract ideas as we love the country, a city or a cause.

We love art.
We love music.

And we love things. The objects we make, buy or exchange. The objects that tell us who we are and where we are.

In most of the world, what gives meaning to your own life. That's why we buy, exchange, it gives you and keeps you own.
The things we choose to live are not inert objects.
clothe them with our fantasies. We express our thanks to them.
transform them into important things for us.

Scan Fitzpatrick played in New Zealand rugby team All Blacks for twelve years.
It was one of the greatest captains the game has ever had.

Here is his explanation of what the role of love in a tough game like rugby.

"Being a member of the All Blacks it means to love what you do. It means to hold each other. The team is a family. If you love your mate, you're willing to take care of him and do anything for him. This is the beauty of teamwork. There are fifteen people with one goal in mind, rather than a set of goals. A collective goal. The aim is to succeed. The aim is to win and do everything to become better players and better people. At the same time help the fellow to be better players and better people, just as if they were brothers or sisters. "

from" the future beyond brands, Lovemarks - Kevin Roberts'