... To each his own spirit
Tonight medication than effervescent aspirin I took a magazine: "Knowing & HEALTH". I drew the title on the cover, "Psyche, the humor that heals" and here I want to put a portion of the article then I went to read:)
some time enjoying the joy of unprecedented popularity. Despite the worries of everyday life and global uncertainty - or perhaps because of them - has become fashionable to laugh. Indeed, it has become a serious matter.
The Irala has risen not only to the cultural heritage of all respect, but also to scienfico topic of interest: the gradual increase in the media of comic material (format television, theater, film, books) is has joined the proliferation of empirical studies on humor and laughter in the psychological, sociological and medical.
The first philosophical disquisition on the role of comedy dates back to Plato.
For centuries, rice and humor prevailed a negative image, which they perceived as a manifestation of immaturity and lack of moral character or conduct as socially dangerous. However, even then did not escape any of the properties now the most popular humor: to circumvent the conventions and hierarchies to show the implications of reality constituted less decent, or simply offer a view played down the world.
Today the joke is no longer inconvenient, it is a sign of intelligence and is socially approved, sometimes even for his transgression and for its ability to facilitate interpersonal relationships. Laughter is accepted, even sought, indeed highly recommended. To ease the life course.
To lift the mood course. But also to stay healthy.
The interest of the medical for the effects of the fun is a novelty in recent decades. The most ardent supporters have set up in many countries - from the U.S. to South Africa, Germany and New Zealand - associations that offer various forms of comicoterapia.
And a curious thing:)
To each his own spirit
Two recent psychological studies (undertaken by the psychobiologists Robert Provine in the United States by psychologist Donald Franciscan Order in Italy) on the relationship people people with humor and the different types of rice have shown "cuorcontenti.
- men are more often producers of humor, that is laughable, and prefer the humor of movies or jokes;
- women are more often consumers of humor, that laugh, and prefer the comedy inherent in the events of everyday life;
- the more extroverted appreciate the humor of the jokes immediate simple;
-'s introverts prefer the humor of such "intellectual" plays on words and nonsense or black humor;
- people emotionally unstable appreciate humor more disruptive and aggressive and less sociable;
- individuals with high self-esteem effortlessly using a variety of forms of humor and comic stimuli;
- individuals become less confident of a strong more aggressive humor. :-)
by KNOW & HEALTH - Bimonthly - Year 12 October 2007 n. 67 - article by Monica Oldani
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