Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Will Kidney Stone Make You Have Brown Disccharge


Cassano delle Murge, December 11, at the Liceo Scientifico Statale "Leonardo da Vinci, as part of a series of activities for the school, playing the best role dell'UNUCI which bridge between civil society and the reality of military personnel UNUCI provided by the Regional Delegate Gen.B.Amato Mansi, Ten.Giuseppe Cianciola the occasion, he Topography of lectures to classes before high school. The topography fits perfectly within the curriculum as part of geography, not only as a representation of the earth's surface, but also because it linked to the movements of the earth rotation around the Earth's revolution around the sun and precession of the equinoxes for the relationship between magnetic north and true north. Lieutenant Cianciola, a good gunner, has provided the jurisdiction, providing material, compasses, protractors, grid and topographic maps, with which children could become familiar. The support of the board has made it easier Multimedia's commitment to engage in the unusual role of teacher participation and enthusiasm of the boys did the rest, all under the watchful eye of teachers who have integrated with the in-depth explanations. Except for small hints in the military use of the topography, the main purpose was to stimulate children to learn to navigate in the external environment, to increase their safety and know their territory.
other lectures will follow and finally practical tests at the nearby Forest Mercadante. A success all along the line that will be repeated in other schools to give more practical meaning to our Association and a reason for resting and not limit our scope to a nostalgic past of our shared military experiences, but our export values \u200b\u200band our ideas to serve the community.
Ten.Giuseppe Cianciola, Bari UNUCI


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