ARMY: COMADO tactical support "Pinerolo"-BARI
On December 17, 2010 at 10:30 am in the Barracks "Vitrani" in Bari, in Fanelli No 269, the ceremony of exchange of the Unit Commander and Command Tactical support "Pinerolo" between Lt. Col. Pasquale MINERVA (donor) and Lt. Col. Nicholas OF Ciaula (successor). The ceremony, to which were invited the highest civil and religious authorities, will participate as the highest military authority for the Italian Army Gen. B. Mario Ruggiero, Commander of the Armoured Brigade "Pinerolo".
Lt. Col. Pasquale MINERVA took command of the Department on December 10 last year. For him this was a year full of excitement and satisfaction, when he saw his men used in all theaters of operation, the Afghan foreign, Kosovo and Lebanon. The
Lt. Col. Nicholas OF Ciaula was born in Bari, October 12, 1963. Drafted in 1983, equipping of the Auxiliary Police as a Police officer, then went in the years 1984-86 during the 37th "MO Pepicelli" at the NCO School of the Carabinieri (Velletri - Florence) and in two years 169 ° during the 1987-89 "PRIDE" Military Academy of Modena. He completed his studies by attending the School of Application of Turin and the 126 ° of the General Staff Course at the School of War of Civitavecchia. He holds a degree in "Political Science" at the University of Turin.
Nel corso della sua carriera nell’Esercito è stato in servizio presso il Battaglione Addestramento Reclute in Barletta; presso il 32° reggimento carri “ARIETE” in Tauriano (PN) ed infine presso il Comando Brigata corazzata. “PINEROLO”:
Dal 2000 al 2009 ha partecipato a numerose missioni nel teatro kosovaro.
In virtù del servizio prestato è stato insignito delle seguenti decorazioni:
Croce d’Oro per Anzianità di Servizio (25 anni);
Croce commemorativa per missioni di pace all’estero;
Croce commemorativa per le operazioni di salvaguardia delle libere istituzioni e mantenimento dell’ordine pubblico;
Croce commemorativa per l’intervento in soccorso alle popolazioni del Piemonte colpite dall’alluvione del 1994;
Medaglia commemorativa NATO – Kosovo (Operazione “JOINT GUARDIAN”);
Medaglia commemorativa NATO – Kosovo (Operazione “JOINT ENTERPRISE”)
E’ sposato con la Prof.ssa Angela e ha una figlia, Rosalia (10).
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