Friday, December 31, 2010
Woke Up With Pain Testicle
Dr. Peter Vitale Journalist and writer, Bari
Purtroppo Stanotte una famiglia avrà poco da festeggiare l'Unuci Bari referente le sarà vicino. Afghanistan,ucciso soldato italiano. Il ministro La Russa: colpito da un cecchino.
Un militare italiano è stato ucciso da un cecchino mentre "era di guardia a una torretta del sud della zona sotto controllo italiano", come ha riferito il ministro La Russa. Il soldato è caduto nella base di Buji. Il proiettile è penetrato in prossimità della spalla, nella parte lasciata scoperta dal giubbetto. La vittima si chiamava Matteo Miotto, aveva 24 anni, era in forza al 7° reggimento alpini di Belluno ed era in missione da luglio."Ci sono stati troppi lutti in Afghanistan tra i nostri soldati", ha commentato ancora La Russa, che annuncia want to go to Afghanistan soon after the funeral of the young soldier died.
Who was the soldier killed was called Matteo Miotto had 24 years and the Italian soldier killed, the 35th since the beginning of our country's mission in Kabul, which began in 2004. He arrived in Afghanistan in July, Miotto was a corporal of the Mountain, came from Thiene (Vicenza) and was in force in the seventh regiment of Alpini Belluno. His family minister La Russa sent a telegram with the words: "In this very sad time I participate with deep emotion, together with all personnel of the Armed Forces, the loss of Matthew, generously committed to a mission of great humanitarian value. His memory will remain forever in the memory of those who believe in peace and solidarity among peoples. Please accept the expression of deepest sympathy. "
The letter of Matthew: " Each meter may be the last "
" We are the first half of the column, each meter may be the last, but we do not think. " So Miotto Matteo told the tension of patrols with the "Lynx" in the valley of Gulistan in a touching letter published in the online site of the "Gazzettino, a few weeks after the ambush in which, on October 9, four had died of the Seventh Mountain regiment of Belluno, that to which he belonged. "His head is too busy to notice something unusual in the ground - spiegava Matteo -, finalmente siamo alle porte del villaggio... Veniamo accolti dai bambini che da dieci diventano venti, trenta, siamo circondati, si portano una mano alla bocca ormai sappiamo cosa vogliono: hanno fame...".
L'alpino ringraziava poi in Italia quanti "vogliono ascoltare i militari in missione, e ci degnano del loro pensiero - proseguiva - solo in tristi occasioni, come quando il tricolore avvolge quattro alpini morti facendo il loro dovere". La missiva era stata accompagnata sul sito del quotidiano veneto da una bella foto di Matteo sulla torretta di un blindato, con in mano la bandiera tricolore sulla quale aveva aggiunto a pennarello "Thiene".
Il cordoglio di Napolitano
Sulla tragedia è intervenuto anche il presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano, che ha detto di aver "appreso con profonda commozione la notizia dell'attentato nel distretto di Gulistan in cui ha perso la vita un militare italiano, impegnato nella missione internazionale per la pace e la stabilità in Afghanistan, esprime i suoi sentimenti di solidale partecipazione al dolore dei famigliari del caduto e al cordoglio delle Forze Armate".
Berlusconi: profondamente addolorato
"Ho appreso con dolore la notizia dell'uccisione del nostro militare in Afghanistan. Tutto il governo è vicino alla sua famiglia a cui cercheremo di offrire il massimo sostegno possibile. Ribadiamo la nostra gratitudine a tutti i nostri ragazzi che consentono al nostro Paese di operare for peace, not only in Afghanistan but in many other parts of the world. "These are the words of a message from Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who wanted to express condolences for the death of our soldiers.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
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Administrative Office of the LC Bari Host: Nicolas Sheraton Hotel - Bari
The report of our meetings, the press officer: Peter VITAL
Lions, Peter Vitale - Journalist and writer - Order of Naz card. n.116644
of Journalists "Helping today serve more"
DG Dr. Rocco Saltino
10 questions to the Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic Dr.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - 20:30 Sheraton Hotel-Nicolas Bari
moderator of the journalist Dr. Lino Patruno
"And the man that no longer has the taste of the mystery, which has no passion for the truth, that
not aware of his condition, a sea of \u200b\u200bwords
a sea of \u200b\u200bwords is like an animal well-fed " (Giorgio Gaber)
With Dear fellow Lions this article is my wish to bring to the attention of the audience (200 people) about a new space discussion of our justice. Here we want to hold talks and discussions on topics of breath, wider and more general with respect to matters related to the Italian justice system, about its operation, Mali, mea culpa, acknowledging flaws in the system that must be addressed with the urgency by those in the President lavori.Il Palamara, the invocations of the Minister and the President Napolitano Alfano present at the 30th Congress of the ANM in Genoa. What are our main focus of interest.
"Viewpoints" is an open space: the opinions expressed wishes of the interventions.
dell'intermeeting Ceremonies: Dr. Rormunda Sanapo
Lions Club:
Bari Trigg Marina (Trainer) Pres Piero La Pesa
Bari Host Pres Michele Dimatromatteo
Svevo Bari Luigi Pres Mangialardi
Bari Melvin Jones Pres Milly Chiu
Bari Federico II Pres Mariella Pintaudi
event was present in addition to the District Governor Dr. Rocco Saltino Rev. International Director Dr. Sergio Maggi and their wives.
In outlining some of the profiles associated with the topic of justice in Italy, it seems worthwhile to recall the thought of the greatest theoretician of the system of authority in a well-ordered: Montesquieu, so that wrote "The civic virtue is to desire to see the order in the state, to feel joy for the public peace, for the exact administration of justice, for the security of the judiciary, the respect shown to the laws, for the stability of Republic. " In light of these considerations seems to me that the core theme to find its focal point to identify if, in our country, among the constituent elements of the civic virtue of Italian citizens or not there is also the exact administration of justice. I am afraid that this question must be answered in the negative, until you realize the reorganization of the system executioner. If we give just a quick look at Italy today, we realize that the theme of justice as the primary factor that makes a company acceptable, livable, healthy, and for many years a basic problem essentially unsolved. Indeed in view of the history of institutions is the crux around which the choices of those who govern and the reactions of the governed, and where you are on (in a continuous span of decades) the great debates of a political, cultural, social. Since this depends largely on the stability of a significant institutional area or even a political system. Italy, after the times in history began ten years ago with the crisis of the old party system, had to open a necessary perspective of political, social and economic issues. Under the heading of which justice is becoming increasingly important. And we must ask what impact it has in the relationship between the guarantees offered by the State and the possibility of developing a broader and more secure than individuals and the community, and what role in training and attitude of public opinion in the face of intense phase in which technological innovation and science also raise issues unknown in terms of rights and duties and their protection. During the evening, many were the topics of the participants (many lawyers) and speakers, including myself. Many interventions have focused on relationship between autonomy and independence of the judiciary as a magistrate should recall the model in which recognize: modern, responsible, professionally valued, who do not attend and does not participate in squalid and cliques whose credibility can not be attacked, therefore, no way that a particular has credibility among citizens. It 's also true that our parliament has always been linked to the presence of judges among the stalls of Monte Citorio and Palazzo Madama, but it is also true that judges may not join political parties (Article 98 of the Constitution) is also true which is at least out of tune after a political experience Parliament, a judge can go back to do the job non-partisan by definition. Already at the time of Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, the separation of powers when they theorized, could not know for sure that the power, by its very definition, as an invasive plant. Dear fellow Lions, who tell you again: for a civil lawsuit today you expect from seven to ten years for a criminal case today you expect from thirty to forty years. "We just have to cry" - How the movie the first day of school, Benigni and Troisi: the reform of the justice? The bud now! The debate ended with a powerful and tasty buffet, in that context, all were in agreement, at least one ....
Monday, December 27, 2010
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Sunday, December 26, 2010
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From my interview with Dr. Antonio Laurenzano, Committee member of the scientic blog international.
Dottor Laurenzano, il Consiglio europeo di Bruxelles ha varato la “rete di soccorso Ue, cosa vuol dire? Parliamone.
Per i Paesi in crisi: in gioco la salvaguardia della moneta unica.
“Sappiamo che l’euro è il nostro comune destino e che l’Europa è il nostro futuro collettivo. Nessuno in Europa sarà abbandonato. L’Europa si affermerà insieme”. Parole forti quelle pronunciate da Angela Merkel in occasione dell’ultimo Consiglio europeo di Bruxelles dei giorni scorsi nel tentativo di calmierare le speculazioni dei mercati a caccia di debiti sovrani. Una dichiarazione d’intenti che ha spianato la strada verso l’istituzione a "bottom-saving states": a network of emergency to protect the single currency and therefore the European integration process. The dramatic economic and financial crisis in Greece was followed in November with the Irish Portugal and Spain continue to make monetary disturbing signs of instability, with large spreads over German bonds. In this context of great economic insecurity, the eve of EU summit in December was marked by a debate on the proposal made by our Prime Minister and Economy Minister Tremonti Luxembourg Junkers to provide for the issuance of Eurobonds (bonds) by the European debt by setting up agencies for a amount not exceeding 40% of GDP in the euro zone. The aim is to achieve a liquidity comparable to that of U.S. treasury bonds and .... look beyond the crisis. "A fascinating proposal" in the opinion of many economic analysts, but which has attracted mixed reviews in the various European countries. Proponents (including the German opposition parties) claim that this tool, if used with rigor, in helping to overcome the differential between the titles of those countries in crisis and .... Made in Germany, providing stability to the markets. The E-bond that would put the states with the finances out of control in the condition of not being able to issue more government bonds, because no more new locations. But serve mainly to incorporate part of the national public debt of various countries and then to relieve the pressure on countries with strong imbalance in the accounts.
E 'strong but the strength of the patrol against, Berlin and Paris in the front row who fear that this is passed over them with higher interest on the debt, and that everything will end up taking responsibility away from governments on budgetary discipline. Countries with accounts in a mess they would be discouraged to take appropriate measures to bring their public finances under control. Germany, in particular, does not want to go too far on the road that leads to more centralized budgetary policies at EU level, for fear (well founded) of continue to bear the financial problems of the European partners. "Eurobonds, according to Merkel, do not eliminate the weaknesses in Europe and eliminate the pressure on the indebted States." Tremonti-Junkers The project was rejected by the European summit was agreed that rather difficult to establish a fund to guarantee permanent "to be activated only when necessary and in the presence of strict policies and balance sheet strengthening of competitiveness," which after a change to the Lisbon Treaty should enable the EU to cope with any future risk of default of the euro zone countries. Any type of rescue assistance but only to the real action functional recovery of economic and monetary stability of the country in crisis. The objective is the entry into force of the amendment to the Treaty in 2014, after the opinions of the European Commission and European Central Bank and the European Parliament in Strasbourg, which, in truth, has commented favorably on the issue. The amendments to the Treaty of Lisbon are necessary because the current text does not provide for the rescue of a country of the eurozone on the brink of bankruptcy by the partners. It will be a long process of ratification, but of great strategic importance because, as stated by the European Commission President Barroso, "is the better signal to show the absolute determination by European leaders in addressing the situation and do whatever is necessary to preserve the financial stability of the single European currency. " The anti-crisis fund launched in Brussels is the answer to the question of "cooperation policy" ever more urgent in order to overcome the long delays in the political construction of a united Europe.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Red Spots On Forehead

not believe. To all those who tell you "not to stop dreaming, you say that you live with passion, you talk about their follies, records burned in junior high, and ask:" What I was ... "with pride. Do not believe those who call you "baby" and they give you any item that is pink, which use the nicknames, they also allow the "Princess" and all the pet names of existing and nonexistent. Do not believe for, behold: they are. They are the same that at some point in your life when you're going to do your tiny personal miracle, they say, "Are you crazy? But adult behavior. " How does an adult? What does the word "adult" that I have not read? Provides for the resignation, the symbiotic relationship with the sofa, the lack of sex drive, who lost the match AC Milan in '99, Mayor bastard that you do not have paved square meter of the entrance, after that you took all those votes? What do you expect? That at some point end up putting colored pegs in the head and all of a sudden I have a public post? That I stop dragging their feet as if nothing had become mature, responsible, a perfect housewife? Were the same, which in 10 years they covered their ears with the blankets, not to hear their parents cry because they "can not do with a paycheck" and thought, begging, he promised: "I do not want to be great, I do not I want to be.. " Were the same, that the first time he skated on the ice, screaming to their mother: "Mommy come! It 's great! "And she looked around, embarrassed, throwing glances in their direction, and said:" I can not, they are great. " And they thought it was a great, infinite and unforgivable to miss that flight grinding crap for this kind of disability that was "growth." What ever you do not understand if you're big or small, but who cares to be or something or the other. Who cares. I, personally, I would give my years in exchange for a ton of ice stracciatella. And fuck the Wonderbra, the suit, the parure, to the account, the promoter of all the stupid things with names that are never Italian. Long live the ciccioformaggio, Bua, poop, pee, the hide and all bullshit ste yellow, pink and blue but they fill the eyes, hands and throat. And that lack eyes, hands and throat. As children dead. Sacrificed pleasures like death. Such as axes, shields, swords against death. How all this would never repeated, so many times, the word death.
(photo Gottfried Helnwein )
Friday, December 17, 2010
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On December 17, 2010 at 10:30 am in the Barracks "Vitrani" in Bari, in Fanelli No 269, the ceremony of exchange of the Unit Commander and Command Tactical support "Pinerolo" between Lt. Col. Pasquale MINERVA (donor) and Lt. Col. Nicholas OF Ciaula (successor). The ceremony, to which were invited the highest civil and religious authorities, will participate as the highest military authority for the Italian Army Gen. B. Mario Ruggiero, Commander of the Armoured Brigade "Pinerolo".
Lt. Col. Pasquale MINERVA took command of the Department on December 10 last year. For him this was a year full of excitement and satisfaction, when he saw his men used in all theaters of operation, the Afghan foreign, Kosovo and Lebanon. The
Lt. Col. Nicholas OF Ciaula was born in Bari, October 12, 1963. Drafted in 1983, equipping of the Auxiliary Police as a Police officer, then went in the years 1984-86 during the 37th "MO Pepicelli" at the NCO School of the Carabinieri (Velletri - Florence) and in two years 169 ° during the 1987-89 "PRIDE" Military Academy of Modena. He completed his studies by attending the School of Application of Turin and the 126 ° of the General Staff Course at the School of War of Civitavecchia. He holds a degree in "Political Science" at the University of Turin.
Nel corso della sua carriera nell’Esercito è stato in servizio presso il Battaglione Addestramento Reclute in Barletta; presso il 32° reggimento carri “ARIETE” in Tauriano (PN) ed infine presso il Comando Brigata corazzata. “PINEROLO”:
Dal 2000 al 2009 ha partecipato a numerose missioni nel teatro kosovaro.
In virtù del servizio prestato è stato insignito delle seguenti decorazioni:
Croce d’Oro per Anzianità di Servizio (25 anni);
Croce commemorativa per missioni di pace all’estero;
Croce commemorativa per le operazioni di salvaguardia delle libere istituzioni e mantenimento dell’ordine pubblico;
Croce commemorativa per l’intervento in soccorso alle popolazioni del Piemonte colpite dall’alluvione del 1994;
Medaglia commemorativa NATO – Kosovo (Operazione “JOINT GUARDIAN”);
Medaglia commemorativa NATO – Kosovo (Operazione “JOINT ENTERPRISE”)
E’ sposato con la Prof.ssa Angela e ha una figlia, Rosalia (10).
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Comunicato stampa del col. Vincenzo LEGROTTAGLIE.
BARI. Per il 16 dicembre 2010, alle ore 10.30, è indetta una conferenza presso il Circolo Unificato Esercito in via Villari, 9, incentrata sui seguenti argomenti:
- presentazione CalendEsercito 2011;
- synthesis activities in 2010;
- exchange Christmas greetings.
be speaking Gen. B. Emanuele Sblendorio, Commander of CME "Puglia", flanked by commanders of major Army commands Government stationed in the region.
journalists, cameramen and photographers are invited to attend.
BARI, starts from the date of shipment. In a particular photo
CalendEsercito 2011.
BARI, December 16, 2010. In the presence of military and civil authorities in Puglia, Gen. B. Emanuele Sblendorio, Commander of the CME "Puglia", in Today, at 10.30, presented at the Circle Unified Army of the BARI CalendEsercito 2011.
Calendar entitled "ITALIAN ARMY - A RESOURCE FOR THE COUNTRY 150 YEARS", is dedicated to the history of the Armed Forces Unification of ITALY today. The twelve months telling through images of past and present role and contribution of the Army for the country's growth. Testimony in the tradition of continuity and openness to the future.
national identity and the role of the Army for that purpose, operational use as a carrier of politics and national and international security, staff training, Activities Specialist in health care and technology are just some of the many areas where the Army has served as a "resource for the country" to the community. This year the presentation of
CalendEsercito coincided with the year-end news conference, summary of the activities of an entire year was carried out in Apulia. Units stationed in the region took part in the operations: "Joint Enterprise" in Kosovo (Brigade "Pinerolo"), "ISAF" in Afghanistan (82 ° Infantry Regiment "Torino" in Barletta), "LEONTES" in Lebanon (10 ° Transport Regiment in Bari). Intense activity was with operations in Italy as "Safe Roads", "Gran Sasso" and "clean streets". In particular, the CME "Apulia" distinguished himself by finding employment el'Euroformazione. The work placement is to provide professional support to the military discharged to guide them in the workplace. 18 briefings were conducted and 400 individual interviews involving 2000 participants from Army, Navy and Air Force. There are two professional courses that are about to leave to form 10 chefs and 15 security personnel. The Eurotraining is a project on learning English, computer science and all'autoimprenditorialità addressed to the enlisted men in service. And 'why on 23 April an agreement was signed between the Army and Alderman Regional Labor and Training, for a total of one million euro. A regional contract provides for 136 different courses to be held in Puglia 16 barracks of the various armed forces.
press conference, moderated by Lt. Col. Vincent Legrottaglie, ended with the traditional exchange of New Year greetings, followed by a vin d'honneur.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
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costs to my mouth.
I have not recognized. The road holding
secretaries, dogs, shadows. And you
. Do not hanger. Nest of wool. Patience.
Tiny prairie.
Bend the back.
Do not touch the winter. Does not touch you.
You have hundreds of fires inside the chest.
The snow-capped peak of your nose is the goal.
continue to ask you the tips of my fingers.
And you've already heard everything.
You slip on my breast as the cry of a newborn.
What if one day I will be mother I want for me
The huge defect in the world you've swallowed.
Luciana Manco
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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Dear Lion,
this time of year all the Lions of the world prepare to celebrate the different holidays. Different as the Lions are, these holidays have in common the spirit of love and joy. For the Lions, the opportunity to offer a service to other shows throughout the year, but even more so this opportunity is sought in this time of year. While we celebrate with our families and our friends, do not forget our responsibility towards the less fortunate and try to share the joy of celebration with others. We must all welcome the new year with enthusiasm and optimism to let our light of hope shine even brighter. Please see the information contained in this message on the Global Campaign for Action on Service Award and the new Keeper of the Light, to continue to shine the light of the Lions. Meanwhile, I hope that the joy and peace be with you during this time of celebration and hope that with the arrival of the new year, you and your loved ones will continue to experience the joy that comes from helping those less fortunate.
With my best wishes, Sid L. Scruggs III International President
Global Campaign for Action on Service alleviate hunger
That hunger is a problem that affects us all year. During the months of December and January, the Lions around the world put the spotlight on the condition of those who have nothing to eat. During this period, your club can leverage the growing awareness by involving other organizations and the public to "alleviate hunger "turns out to be a successful campaign in your community. Please read the" Ideas for the project "alleviate hunger." Inform the community of your success and show your gratitude in public, thanking the partners who, along with your club, participated in the initiative. As part of the Global Campaign for Action of the Service, the club will send a report on the activity of service were performed through the Service Activity Report online, will be automatically nominated for the Beacon Awards.
"A Ray of Hope: Sharing the Vision essentials
More than 500 Lions Clubs in over 60 countries participated in 850 projects under the campaign" Share the Vision " A total of 71,917 hours. The club, from which we received a report on the activities, carried out checks of view of about 350,000 people and have raised over 250,000 pairs of glasses in the month of October. The campaign "Sharing the Vision," in India Lions of MD 324 D6 of Bangalore, have launched a major initiative to control the view that focuses on the formation of Lions who will carry out a vision screening in 1000. 000 children.
Aiming high. The lamp was lit last July in Sydney. Today, half of our annual walk, the beacon of Lions Clubs International emits a light brighter still. The association has grown and now has a population of 1,346,725 of Lions, an increase of 7,000 units compared to last July. Women today make up a large part of why the Lions family: in fact, are today more than 300,000 worldwide. In addition to the growing number of Lions, it was also an increase in the number of Leos. Only this year have been created over 100 new Leo club. It is clear that the "success through service" increases due to the fact that Lions Clubs International reach communities not yet served, being able to offer better service to the needy.
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Cassano delle Murge, December 11, at the Liceo Scientifico Statale "Leonardo da Vinci, as part of a series of activities for the school, playing the best role dell'UNUCI which bridge between civil society and the reality of military personnel UNUCI provided by the Regional Delegate Gen.B.Amato Mansi, Ten.Giuseppe Cianciola the occasion, he Topography of lectures to classes before high school. The topography fits perfectly within the curriculum as part of geography, not only as a representation of the earth's surface, but also because it linked to the movements of the earth rotation around the Earth's revolution around the sun and precession of the equinoxes for the relationship between magnetic north and true north. Lieutenant Cianciola, a good gunner, has provided the jurisdiction, providing material, compasses, protractors, grid and topographic maps, with which children could become familiar. The support of the board has made it easier Multimedia's commitment to engage in the unusual role of teacher participation and enthusiasm of the boys did the rest, all under the watchful eye of teachers who have integrated with the in-depth explanations. Except for small hints in the military use of the topography, the main purpose was to stimulate children to learn to navigate in the external environment, to increase their safety and know their territory.
other lectures will follow and finally practical tests at the nearby Forest Mercadante. A success all along the line that will be repeated in other schools to give more practical meaning to our Association and a reason for resting and not limit our scope to a nostalgic past of our shared military experiences, but our export values \u200b\u200band our ideas to serve the community.
Ten.Giuseppe Cianciola, Bari UNUCI
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Does Vibration Exercise Really Work
Dr. Peter Vitale (Journalist and writer)
From Provincial Command of Bari
Press. Presentation of the event planned for Santa Barbara and presentation of the schedule of the Fire Brigade of Citta 'di Bari
The Provincial Command for the Fire brigade celebrate the feast of St. Barbara, patroness of heavenly body, organized, in agreement with the Prefecture and the Municipality of Bari, a series of appointments and events that took place in Bari: from 30 November to 05 December 2010. During the press conference held Tuesday, November 30 at 11:00 at the Provincial Command of the Fire Brigade in Bari, has illustrated the various stages of organizational events. Present were: Ing. Roberto Ludica Provincial Commander, Dr.. Carlo Schiraldi Prefect of Bari, Eng. Elio Sannicandro Councillor of the City Planning Bari, Dr. Gary Dipietro director of the operations room of 118, dr. Xavier Matthias Bank Carime and Eng. Francesco Salvatore Directorate Reg Firefighters Puglia. During the press conference was also presented the first edition of "Calendar Fire Department of the City of Bari", together with publications on local history of the Corps and the Fire Brigade Specialties in our Provincial Headquarters. Here are the events to Santa Barbara:
From 30 November to 3 December next, from 10.00 to 19.00, will be held in Piazza San Ferdinando exposure of operational resources of specialized nuclei VF, with distribution of information materials on the activities of the National Fire Brigade In those days, in the windows of some businesses in Via Sparano, a major street in the city center, uniforms and equipment will be exposed to the intervention provided to operational teams.
On December 4, dedicated to the patron, the seat of the Provincial Headquarters in via Tupputi, are scheduled for the religious ceremony officiated by the Archbishop of Bari and Bito, Monsignor Cacucci and the professional conduct of operations at the "castle maneuver by the operational staff of the Command. The
December 5, Giannella in Largo, will be the closing event the celebrations with professional maneuvers on the ground simulation of action to fire, release of toxic substances and accident, and the simulated rescue operations of the joint SAF specialized nuclei, divers and helicopter on the Lungomare Bari.
Monday, December 6, 2010
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Bari, 12.06.2010 IPA Press Release
COMMITTEE BARI, 3rd Place European Championship football 5 in Bratislava (SK), NEW YORK TIME GOAL OLYMPIC GAMES 2011.
Last October was held in Slovakia, in the city 'of Bratislava, the European Championship football IPA in 5 reserved for police.
Representing Italy was invited a representative of the IPA IPA Committee BARI 1, formed by a large representation of the Police Station of Bari, the State Police and of the 'Arma dei Carabinieri. The event was attended by 20 delegations representing the most important European cities. As a result, sports has seen for some time as it happens, the protagonist 's IPA Bari, who managed to reach the semifinals of the competition losing only to the local representative went on to win the tournament.
The Head of Delegation, the Chairman of the IPA Bari 1, Luigi Maggiore Gabrieli, could make another international experience with a thickness of his team. The delegation formed part
Capt. Dominic D'Arcangelo (awarded best player of the tournament), Chap Giovanni Di Bella, Ist Coord. Ivano Marzano, Robert George Marshal, Marshal Maximilian Castagna, Gianfranco M.llo Fortini, Biagio Attolico Ag, Ag Domenico Serafini, Pantaleo Marshal Massimiliano.
The Municipal Police Commander Col. Dr. Bari Stefano Donati, congratulated the team, composed largely of men of the Corps of the Police Station of Bari, for the result, achieved in a collaborative project of Police in Europe.
After the great result of Bratislava, the delegation IPA Bari 1, will be busy this summer in the United States in New York for the Olympic Games reserved for police and fire departments, and who knows that it is not even the Olympic medal.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Why Wont Vba Mac Play Pokemon Silver
You asked me something I could trust to blame.
I woke up early because I feel you just outside these walls.
drag appointments and deadlines on the asphalt gray goodbye.
And dissolving in coffee universal belief, micro magic between the general conventions.
held without passion up close in my tight skirt.
What made the loneliness a dirty plate?
What was celebrated when the bride clutched between his teeth whiter than white apparel dress?
lyrics are the joy and blessings, the complaint.
"The cultivation of grapes in Italy dates back to the Iron Age.
The growth of the plant takes up permanent support: it is guardians of "live" (elm, mulberry, ash) or, increasingly, on supports, "dead" (reeds, wooden poles, concrete poles, wire). "
Paint in black to the right of the wall, your home in Geneva, which is like the bare shoulder of the fairy who does not believe.
But I've seen for forty nights glacial glass blowing in your eyes closed.
Thought it was a breeze or charm or it was a mirror.
Instead it's just empty.
Any substance having my breath on that glass, you can moderate the rush of the princess, not the tenant.
The child, the dog, read books to school the next year with the ardor of the newsboy.
All flies. My hair, your hat, the lessons of drunken dancers, the air on the Green River of waiting, the knees of the players six years and two gates, the skirts of their mothers who sweat missions.
flies All except you, that takes away as the the engine accelerates and hatred.
Except you, who dresses of genius and cowardly triumph ground level.
are the Amazon that is civilized in order to be worthy of your gala, ended up in hospital.
All flies, except for you, but scythes away the highest desires and our love that you feel you want to exalt and never in the flesh.
magnificent, proud, proud.
musician that I am the silence.
You amplify the horror.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Curch Anniversay Bible Verses
I stopped waiting.
feet, here, take root.
knows no other life.
are immense debt of justice.
feet, the feet are full of jumps.
break out of the pedals, the puddles.
It 'not your fault drought, death,
the downward thrust that knocks
the heart.
you're gone how did you come
Grasp the sternum,
taking notes on my bones.
Installing Hardwood In Boat
I saw the black man writing poetry virtual.
Stigmata of poems, tiny deposits of poems.
And I in my red book I lent her wrists.
I ask the black man's abduction,
possession, I misunderstood the meaning of the speech,
and I struck my heart, singing the pain of bumps,
smoothing for twelve months point.
Black man running in parallel,
is held in balance on my perfect day.
The shooting of sucking away cravings. Get away
with my echo in the orbits.