Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dezone Sony Dvp-sr200p


Pietro Vitale, addetto stampa L.C. Bari Host
Comucazione dell’Addetto Stampa e Comunicazione del Distretto Lions 108/Ab:
Cari amici addetti stampa di Club, questo “Notiziario” mi consente di farvi pervenire e ricambiare gli Auguri più fervidi di ognibene per il nuovo anno appena cominciato e di esprimervi gratitudine per la benevola considerazione e per l’apprezzamento nei confronti della iniziativa, particolarmente attesa, intesa a far conoscere, to bring prestige and visibility in the meritorious service activities of your club, in the "Club Life" magazine of our district - the success of which you are contributing with exemplary commitment. Feelings that I ask you to extend in the same way after hearing and loving to all the friends of Clubs who care about the fate of our District. Best wishes and majora. Donato Savino.
************************************************* ************************************************** ** News Flash: FROM DISTRICT 2 nd District Seminar
pv Sunday, January 9, from 9:30 am, at the Palace Hotel Appia Massafra TA, will be held the 2nd District seminar on the theme: "Respect the rules and roles: Reflections."
Saltino The DG will be happy to meet, in particular occasion, all the Lions of the District, affected by the important topics covered in the seminar. PROGRAMME OF WORK

- 9.30 Registration of participants
- 9:45 am Welcome by the Coordinator of the Organizing Committee Alberigo
Fonseca - 9:50 am Welcome by the District Governor Rocco Saltino
- 10.00 "What are the rules and roles. Behavioral aspects of individuals and groups "
Speaker Michael Buquicchio - Professor of Public Law - University of Bari
- 10:40 am "Rules and roles in an ethical vision of social service organizations"
Rapporteur Vito Savino - President of the Court of Bari
- Debate
11:20 am - 13:00 Closing remarks by the DG Rocco Saltino
Moderator Vincenzo Ricciardi - District Officer Statutes and Regulations
At the conclusion of the banquet is planned (cost 25 € for those who intend to participate).
(for information: Fonseca: tel. 099-5639673; cell. 329-6184292)
SERVICE Casalnuovo Monterotaro FG
The Governor would like to emphasize that Thursday, 6 January next, at 10.00, for the traditional feast the "Befana" will be distributed to children Casalnuovo Monterotaro the gifts made available by the generosity of Lions Clubs: Host FG, FG Umberto Giordano, Arpi FG, FG New Century, Cerignola, San Severo, Foggia Lucera and clubs and San Leo Severo. The event will be preceded by the ritual of S. Mass to be attended by all local authorities. With
invitation to participate, the initiative of the service, once again supported and publicized by the PDG Pinuccio Vinelli, along with fellow Lions Committee pro Casalnuovo Monterotaro and Clubs Daunia, further provides that the multipurpose room of the Social Centre will be with the same day, a ping-pong (which will act conference table and even read), and the first elements of a modular library for the creation Library, named after the late Governor Loizzi Pasquale, whose inauguration is scheduled for April 25, 2011. The Multidistrict
Service National Children in Need "Burkina Faso
appreciation and gratitude from Burkina Faso (one of the poorest countries in the world) expressed - in a message to the PDG Nicola Tricarico - the CCP Giancarlo Vecchio (Coordinator of National Service) where he visited the first school built (in Djibouti) with the contributions of generous solidarity of the clubs in our District, and attended the foundation stone of the second school.


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