The report of our meetings, the press officer: Peter VITAL
Lions, Peter Vitale - Journalist and writer - Card Order Naz. publicists n.116644
Director of International blog:
"Helping today serve more" DG Dr. Rocco Saltino
"It 's so sweet to be loved, we are satisfied that even the appearance".
(Elisabeth de Lalive de Bellegarde of houdetot)
Bari "CITTA 'LIGHT' " tactile tiles, alfabesi a path "
Opened January 23, 2011 in the District Murat, on the sidewalks of the streets most important center of the city of Bari, Piazza Aldo Moro connected to, the square of the central station, the
"Path of Light" for the blind and visually impaired, a project led by Bari Host Lions Club with the actual share of all Lions clubs Bari
Authority Lions have taken: Dr. Domenico Messina, International Director, Dr. Stephen Camurri Pylons, Chairman of the Board of Governors Multiple Italy, the Governor of the district TA1 (Twin) Dr. Marco Gabin, our District Governor AB 108, the honorary member of our Host Lions Club Bari, Sen. Dr. Lettieri Luigi d'Ambrosio and many civil and military authorities.
Bari Host Lions Club, the oldest of the city of Bari, in the social 2007-2008. Mr. President. Di Pasquale Ciommo, thought to honor the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation with a powerful and useful service to the city of Bari In particular, set himself and made with the closest collaborators of Board of Directors, Urban a continuous path for the blind and partially sighted people on the sidewalks of the central streets of the city. The path of light winds for about 2.5 km and is in its continuity be one of the largest, if not the greatest location for the blind in the world. Built with bricks according to the tactile system encoded Loges.
With this route there was a synergy in solidarity with the City of Bari and railway operators, stimulated Lions and determined by us, in fact this process has been enriched both by many measures the City of crossings equipped with ramps for disabled and blind people, some with traffic lights are equipped for this purpose, both with operations in railway stations South Eastern Railway, tramway Bari Northern Railway Appulo Lucane, the shelter on the sidewalks of the binary lead them outside where they are connected to the location outside of us Lions.
's work with additions highlighted that it is available to give evidence to the work and raise awareness of the inauguration was organized with two open demonstrations by a fanfare of the other sharpshooters by sharpshooters on a bicycle with music on board, trade groups cycling, two Vespa Club, many classic cars of the Lions Club Bari Drivers Of Old Cars and Old Car Club of Bari and a huge crowd of Members of Lions Clubs all of Bari, who participated and contributed to the event.
At the end of the route which has been called the National Union of the Blind and his representative, some with success and satisfaction, having run with the help of the characteristic stick for the blind, Braille lap the tiles of the path. Subsequently, the founder, filmmaker and creator of the light path : Eng. Di Pasquale Ciommo, the presence of District Governor, Dr. Rocco Saltino Lions and all the authorities intervened and policies, together, they removed a cloth from a fixed panel, placed near the entrance of the City of City of Bari panel that summarizes the whole ideal characteristics, the participation of clubs and the routes of the city's central streets. Great was the satisfaction and pride of all Lions Clubs Bari, for the service performed. All who have given birth to a lesson of great solidarity and civility. So in conclusion, January 23, 2011 at 12:00 pm, the Public and Civil and Military Associations involved in the traveling path, have formally registered to the grand opera (perhaps unique in the world), "ritch LIGHT" Thanks again in Bari, Pasquale!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Replica Fluff Momma Boots
EXCALIBUR THE Progressive, but civilization 'dies
of Gianfredo Ruggiero
When, in 1922, settled the new fascist government led the first measure in the social field was the abolition of child labor, followed by a working week of 40 hours, the paid leave from 'institution INPS and INAIL, the Labour Court, collective agreements, the winding (TFR), from housing, from summer camps, tax exemption for large families, the public health and education for all in a nutshell ... the welfare state was founded, the envy of the civilized world and then poorly mimicked by Roosevelt's New Deal America (America is lifted from the great depression of the thirties only with the 'entry into the war gave impetus to the arms industry, still pillar of the U.S. economy).
The Welfare State was complemented in 1943 with the "Socialization of the Enterprise" which introduced into the Italian participation in the management of workers and the profits of large companies, immediately abolished in 1945 as the new government's first act of liberation.
of this revolutionary idea, which if maintained would end the opposition-workers and bosses over at a stroke, the Marxist and capitalist ideologies, it remains only a faint trace in our Constitution (art.46). Germany, however, it was even inspired to introduce co-determination, its powerful engine of the economy.
In those years, thanks to the spread of free enterprise (political freedom is suppressed to enhance civil liberties, says the historian Joachim Fox), the Government's support to the economy, to check on the banks and the subsequent establishment IRI and IMI take hold all those big companies, starting with Fiat, we know today. Many of these large Companies that have made Italy a world economic power, are now gone, moved abroad or turned into easy trademarks. Globalization, imposed by the stateless finance and accepted by all governments, has replaced the principle of national interest with that fascist capitalist free market which means I produce wherever I want and I want the conditions and results, in terms of industrial relocation, invasion of Chinese products, which opposes the war between poor Italians and unemployed immigrants exploited in subsequent creeping racism, are there for all to see. By the end of fascism began the gradual dismantling of the welfare state, ironically defended by left (before he became a government force). In recent decades, the infamous policy of privatization and labor flexibility, wanted by the right and accepted by the left (not by chance that the temporary employment was introduced by Prodi and perfected by Berlusconi), has erased any lingering traces of the welfare state built by Mussolini . The tombstone was placed today by the FIAT-reform referendum that Marchionne-blackmail reported back to Italy over 80 years. At the time dell'Italietta Giolitti and "masters of the beautiful white trousers." .... And politics? And is silent consents.
Gianfredo Ruggiero, President Circle Circle Excalibur Excalibur - Alternative Green Varese (Italy) Tax Code 91049420127 ________________________________________
This mail reaches you nominally under the distribution plan that sends them individually. Last update: 20,116 members.
To unsubscribe send a mail with subject "remove mailing list."
of Gianfredo Ruggiero
When, in 1922, settled the new fascist government led the first measure in the social field was the abolition of child labor, followed by a working week of 40 hours, the paid leave from 'institution INPS and INAIL, the Labour Court, collective agreements, the winding (TFR), from housing, from summer camps, tax exemption for large families, the public health and education for all in a nutshell ... the welfare state was founded, the envy of the civilized world and then poorly mimicked by Roosevelt's New Deal America (America is lifted from the great depression of the thirties only with the 'entry into the war gave impetus to the arms industry, still pillar of the U.S. economy).
The Welfare State was complemented in 1943 with the "Socialization of the Enterprise" which introduced into the Italian participation in the management of workers and the profits of large companies, immediately abolished in 1945 as the new government's first act of liberation.
of this revolutionary idea, which if maintained would end the opposition-workers and bosses over at a stroke, the Marxist and capitalist ideologies, it remains only a faint trace in our Constitution (art.46). Germany, however, it was even inspired to introduce co-determination, its powerful engine of the economy.
In those years, thanks to the spread of free enterprise (political freedom is suppressed to enhance civil liberties, says the historian Joachim Fox), the Government's support to the economy, to check on the banks and the subsequent establishment IRI and IMI take hold all those big companies, starting with Fiat, we know today. Many of these large Companies that have made Italy a world economic power, are now gone, moved abroad or turned into easy trademarks. Globalization, imposed by the stateless finance and accepted by all governments, has replaced the principle of national interest with that fascist capitalist free market which means I produce wherever I want and I want the conditions and results, in terms of industrial relocation, invasion of Chinese products, which opposes the war between poor Italians and unemployed immigrants exploited in subsequent creeping racism, are there for all to see. By the end of fascism began the gradual dismantling of the welfare state, ironically defended by left (before he became a government force). In recent decades, the infamous policy of privatization and labor flexibility, wanted by the right and accepted by the left (not by chance that the temporary employment was introduced by Prodi and perfected by Berlusconi), has erased any lingering traces of the welfare state built by Mussolini . The tombstone was placed today by the FIAT-reform referendum that Marchionne-blackmail reported back to Italy over 80 years. At the time dell'Italietta Giolitti and "masters of the beautiful white trousers." .... And politics? And is silent consents.
Gianfredo Ruggiero, President Circle Circle Excalibur Excalibur - Alternative Green Varese (Italy) Tax Code 91049420127 ________________________________________
This mail reaches you nominally under the distribution plan that sends them individually. Last update: 20,116 members.
To unsubscribe send a mail with subject "remove mailing list."
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Nice Way Of Saying Pay For Your Own Meal
of January 14, 2011 PRESS RELEASE
This afternoon the Fire Department Chief Prefect Francesco Paolo Trim visited the Provincial Command of Bari
the prefect occasion he met at an informal meeting, the trade unions to take stock of the situation already discussed in the previous meeting held on October 21 last year. The meeting was attended by the Regional Director for the VVF Puglia ing. Michael Grez and the Commander of the Provincial Fire Brigade Engineer. Roberto Lupi.
The Provincial Command of Bari operates in a vast province 5129.23 square kilometers and 1,293,213 inhabitants. The garrison in the territory of the Provincial Command of the Fire Brigade Bari is the head office and 8 branches. The workforce in this command consists of 500 units that have escaped in 2010 and 3824 prevention practices carried out 13,758 urgent technical assistance interventions. By prayer spread. Dr. Magrone.
of January 14, 2011 PRESS RELEASE
This afternoon the Fire Department Chief Prefect Francesco Paolo Trim visited the Provincial Command of Bari
the prefect occasion he met at an informal meeting, the trade unions to take stock of the situation already discussed in the previous meeting held on October 21 last year. The meeting was attended by the Regional Director for the VVF Puglia ing. Michael Grez and the Commander of the Provincial Fire Brigade Engineer. Roberto Lupi.
The Provincial Command of Bari operates in a vast province 5129.23 square kilometers and 1,293,213 inhabitants. The garrison in the territory of the Provincial Command of the Fire Brigade Bari is the head office and 8 branches. The workforce in this command consists of 500 units that have escaped in 2010 and 3824 prevention practices carried out 13,758 urgent technical assistance interventions. By prayer spread. Dr. Magrone.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Stepped On A Leopard Gecko
"Journalism and sexism" professional development seminar organized by
Association of Journalists of Puglia and UDI - Union Women in Italy (Salento)
Saturday, January 15, 2011, 10 am Conference Room of the Rector / University of Salento
A new professional development seminar for journalists of Apulia: January 15, 2010 meeting at 10 am in the conference room of the Rector of the University of Salento (piazza Tancredi 7 - Lecce) with the theme "Journalism and sexism."
This seminar is sponsored in cooperation with the Historical Association headquarters Salento UDI - Union Women in Italy, which launched the campaign "Images friends" to raise awareness of local authorities and public opinion on the use of gender stereotypes and images of harming the dignity of women in advertising, information and media.
part of the campaign (which, inter alia, reference to the European resolution number 2038/2008 on the impact of marketing and advertising affect equality between women and men, and received the patronage of the President of the Republic) the commitment of local authorities to monitor and, where possible, remove the statement "enemy" of women. Many municipalities salentini that were positive by special resolutions.
What is the role of journalism in this field? Because they can influence public opinion the way you convey the news and the choice of images accompanying news?
participate in the seminar: •
Paola Laforgia, president of the Order of Journalists of Puglia
• Pina Nuzzo, president UDI - Union Women in Italy
• Cristina Magnaschi,
Introduced by journalist Lorenzo De Vitis, a member of national group "Images friends."
Cristina Magnaschi, journalist and writer, was born in Piacenza in 1966 and has lived 25 years in Milan. In Mondadori led the weekly Confidences and was deputy editor of Modern Woman. First was the managing editor of Class and Class Madame, Head of Madame Figaro, editor Anna, Esquire, Milano. For ten years has been film critic for the Italian newspaper today. Among other collaborations, Seven for Italy and the match for the Belgian daily L'Echo. It is one of the "witnesses" of the campaign 'Images friends' hearing.
"Journalism and sexism" professional development seminar organized by
Association of Journalists of Puglia and UDI - Union Women in Italy (Salento)
Saturday, January 15, 2011, 10 am Conference Room of the Rector / University of Salento
A new professional development seminar for journalists of Apulia: January 15, 2010 meeting at 10 am in the conference room of the Rector of the University of Salento (piazza Tancredi 7 - Lecce) with the theme "Journalism and sexism."
This seminar is sponsored in cooperation with the Historical Association headquarters Salento UDI - Union Women in Italy, which launched the campaign "Images friends" to raise awareness of local authorities and public opinion on the use of gender stereotypes and images of harming the dignity of women in advertising, information and media.
part of the campaign (which, inter alia, reference to the European resolution number 2038/2008 on the impact of marketing and advertising affect equality between women and men, and received the patronage of the President of the Republic) the commitment of local authorities to monitor and, where possible, remove the statement "enemy" of women. Many municipalities salentini that were positive by special resolutions.
What is the role of journalism in this field? Because they can influence public opinion the way you convey the news and the choice of images accompanying news?
participate in the seminar: •
Paola Laforgia, president of the Order of Journalists of Puglia
• Pina Nuzzo, president UDI - Union Women in Italy
• Cristina Magnaschi,
Introduced by journalist Lorenzo De Vitis, a member of national group "Images friends."
Cristina Magnaschi, journalist and writer, was born in Piacenza in 1966 and has lived 25 years in Milan. In Mondadori led the weekly Confidences and was deputy editor of Modern Woman. First was the managing editor of Class and Class Madame, Head of Madame Figaro, editor Anna, Esquire, Milano. For ten years has been film critic for the Italian newspaper today. Among other collaborations, Seven for Italy and the match for the Belgian daily L'Echo. It is one of the "witnesses" of the campaign 'Images friends' hearing.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Would Cherry Wood Go With Red Or Merlot Curtains?
The report of our meetings: Press Officer:
(Lions, Peter VITALE - Journalist and writer - Card Order Naz. publicists n.116644) Administrative Office of the LC Bari Host: Nicolas Sheraton Hotel - Bari
Nothing is ever really lost, or can be lost: no birth, shape, identity, anything in the world, no life, no power, nothing visible.
The appearance must not impede or the scope changed to confuse the brain.
Vast is the time and space, vast fields of Nature. "(Walt Whitman" Continuity "
" Helping today serve more "
DG Dr. Rocco Saltino Bari 10.01.2011
SUBJECT:" path of light "for the visually impaired Bari Host Lions Club.
city tour for the blind in the center of Bari 2.5 km, complete with traffic lights
equipped and connected with railway stations.
Inauguration January 23, 2010 - The
HOST LIONS CLUB BARI, the oldest club in the city of Bari, in the social 2007-2008, President Di Pasquale Ciommo, thought to honor the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation with a service for the city, shared with all other Lions Clubs in the city that year, Borgo Antico, Aragonese, Federico II, Murat G., Isabella of Aragon, Levante, Mediterranean, Melvin Jones, Niccolò Piccinni, Svevo, Trigg Marina. As you know
set himself and made a tactile urban continuity for the blind and visually impaired affecting the sidewalks of main streets of the city.
The work was completed, the Lions part, 30 June 2008 but we had to wait two years to complete agreement with the City by De Rossi, slides and for crossing with traffic lights for blind people and their connections with our path.
All the work is so enjoyable and so now it has been agreed and set a date for the opening, which was set by the governor Sunday, January 23, 2011. We noted that the inauguration will be attended by the International Director Domenico Messina and Chairman of the Board of Governors Stefano Camurri, we have the two highest offices of the Italian Lions.
Join us in this ceremony, the city of Bari, the Italian Blind Union, the Regional Transport, the Regional Mobility, the railway operators in South East Railways, Railways discharging Lucane, Railway stock (Bari Nord) will
a ceremony that will see us on the way to give public evidence to the work and a ceremony in the council chamber.
recall some salient features of the work and principles which have accompanied the creation and production.
The work called "PATH LIGHT, winds for about 2.5 km in the center of the city of Bari and is in its continuity be one of the largest, if not the largest, area for blind people in the world made of bricks according to the tactile system encoded Loges.
The route starts from the railway station to welcome the users of rail service and lead them to the University by connecting to a closed path, a quadrilateral covering the main streets of the city center, Via Crisanzio, Via De Rossi, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Via Prospero and Via Argiro Petroni.
The course was designed tactile pavement with bricks under current rules, the track continues, centrally placed along the sidewalks, will guide the blind and partially sighted people by sending them a free trail reports, their diversions, obstacles or impassable impassable and in particular target for road crossings. "PATH LIGHT", freedom and solidarity for those who do not enjoy the light.
But the great result was completed by the joint synergy has been created with the city of Bari and the railway operator.
After the broken door by the Lions, the City of Bari has accomplished less than forty sets of traffic lights and slides for blind people, most of these interventions have focused on the path of light, then the latter was further illustrated by these aids at intersections with traffic lights.
the path of light leaves from Piazza Aldo Moro, from the station where there are four train operators, and these Lions signed with us a memorandum of understanding with which he undertook to make paths for the blind in their stations that welcomes the arrival blind to lead them outside to connect to our path. The railways will provide the State with a specific project while three train operators have made interventions:
-Railways-Appulo Lucane, inter-operator;
-Railways South East regional manager Apulian
-tramway (Bari Nord) operator Apulian
In Bari, therefore, January 23, 2010 will be inaugurated by the result of this solidarity and witness to the great solidarity of the people of Puglia.
The ceremony will be accompanied with the presence of the highest offices Lionism Italian and international, political authorities, civil and religious, many associations, including the first, the Italian Blind Union, which supported and wanted our assistance, the Region of Puglia , which created synergy with the railway operators, railway operators of the same, the City of Bari and all of the city of Bari
Lions will be a ceremony of public evidence along the way and a ceremony in the council chamber, the program will be detailed shortly. The
This course will enable the blind to walk through the city independently and will feel our presence through the use of the information that we have made an indelible way for them, all of us realize the dream of the city of Bari Lions:
to ensure that every friend who is blind or visually impaired
taking a train that stops in the city of Bari,
is down a path that will give a light
chopped Freedom and Solidarity
and welcome him and accompany him in
only way we will fulfill our mission and
"L" LIONS will be synonymous with "L" LIGHT
Head of Service del Cinquantennale
“Percorso di Luce”
Presidente L.C. Bari Host 2007-8
Pasquale Di Ciommo
The report of our meetings: Press Officer:
(Lions, Peter VITALE - Journalist and writer - Card Order Naz. publicists n.116644) Administrative Office of the LC Bari Host: Nicolas Sheraton Hotel - Bari
Nothing is ever really lost, or can be lost: no birth, shape, identity, anything in the world, no life, no power, nothing visible.
The appearance must not impede or the scope changed to confuse the brain.
Vast is the time and space, vast fields of Nature. "(Walt Whitman" Continuity "
" Helping today serve more "
DG Dr. Rocco Saltino Bari 10.01.2011
SUBJECT:" path of light "for the visually impaired Bari Host Lions Club.
city tour for the blind in the center of Bari 2.5 km, complete with traffic lights
equipped and connected with railway stations.
Inauguration January 23, 2010 - The
HOST LIONS CLUB BARI, the oldest club in the city of Bari, in the social 2007-2008, President Di Pasquale Ciommo, thought to honor the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation with a service for the city, shared with all other Lions Clubs in the city that year, Borgo Antico, Aragonese, Federico II, Murat G., Isabella of Aragon, Levante, Mediterranean, Melvin Jones, Niccolò Piccinni, Svevo, Trigg Marina. As you know
set himself and made a tactile urban continuity for the blind and visually impaired affecting the sidewalks of main streets of the city.
The work was completed, the Lions part, 30 June 2008 but we had to wait two years to complete agreement with the City by De Rossi, slides and for crossing with traffic lights for blind people and their connections with our path.
All the work is so enjoyable and so now it has been agreed and set a date for the opening, which was set by the governor Sunday, January 23, 2011. We noted that the inauguration will be attended by the International Director Domenico Messina and Chairman of the Board of Governors Stefano Camurri, we have the two highest offices of the Italian Lions.
Join us in this ceremony, the city of Bari, the Italian Blind Union, the Regional Transport, the Regional Mobility, the railway operators in South East Railways, Railways discharging Lucane, Railway stock (Bari Nord) will
a ceremony that will see us on the way to give public evidence to the work and a ceremony in the council chamber.
recall some salient features of the work and principles which have accompanied the creation and production.
The work called "PATH LIGHT, winds for about 2.5 km in the center of the city of Bari and is in its continuity be one of the largest, if not the largest, area for blind people in the world made of bricks according to the tactile system encoded Loges.
The route starts from the railway station to welcome the users of rail service and lead them to the University by connecting to a closed path, a quadrilateral covering the main streets of the city center, Via Crisanzio, Via De Rossi, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Via Prospero and Via Argiro Petroni.
The course was designed tactile pavement with bricks under current rules, the track continues, centrally placed along the sidewalks, will guide the blind and partially sighted people by sending them a free trail reports, their diversions, obstacles or impassable impassable and in particular target for road crossings. "PATH LIGHT", freedom and solidarity for those who do not enjoy the light.
But the great result was completed by the joint synergy has been created with the city of Bari and the railway operator.
After the broken door by the Lions, the City of Bari has accomplished less than forty sets of traffic lights and slides for blind people, most of these interventions have focused on the path of light, then the latter was further illustrated by these aids at intersections with traffic lights.
the path of light leaves from Piazza Aldo Moro, from the station where there are four train operators, and these Lions signed with us a memorandum of understanding with which he undertook to make paths for the blind in their stations that welcomes the arrival blind to lead them outside to connect to our path. The railways will provide the State with a specific project while three train operators have made interventions:
-Railways-Appulo Lucane, inter-operator;
-Railways South East regional manager Apulian
-tramway (Bari Nord) operator Apulian
In Bari, therefore, January 23, 2010 will be inaugurated by the result of this solidarity and witness to the great solidarity of the people of Puglia.
The ceremony will be accompanied with the presence of the highest offices Lionism Italian and international, political authorities, civil and religious, many associations, including the first, the Italian Blind Union, which supported and wanted our assistance, the Region of Puglia , which created synergy with the railway operators, railway operators of the same, the City of Bari and all of the city of Bari
Lions will be a ceremony of public evidence along the way and a ceremony in the council chamber, the program will be detailed shortly. The
This course will enable the blind to walk through the city independently and will feel our presence through the use of the information that we have made an indelible way for them, all of us realize the dream of the city of Bari Lions:
to ensure that every friend who is blind or visually impaired
taking a train that stops in the city of Bari,
is down a path that will give a light
chopped Freedom and Solidarity
and welcome him and accompany him in
only way we will fulfill our mission and
"L" LIONS will be synonymous with "L" LIGHT
Head of Service del Cinquantennale
“Percorso di Luce”
Presidente L.C. Bari Host 2007-8
Pasquale Di Ciommo
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The Genital Cream Holden

What else I'll have to get used?
guess there is no longer, life.
And 'a pull, a free ride.
Another city, life science, saints.
E 'your vein, where ice
my children.
And the silence, wounded.
My dinner resistance fingers.
The final turns of the struggle.
I no longer go.
'm sick of light and years. One wrinkle that
tear from their eyes.
The day is not what was said
you tonight in the funeral
of my love atheist.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Dezone Sony Dvp-sr200p
Pietro Vitale, addetto stampa L.C. Bari Host
Comucazione dell’Addetto Stampa e Comunicazione del Distretto Lions 108/Ab:
Cari amici addetti stampa di Club, questo “Notiziario” mi consente di farvi pervenire e ricambiare gli Auguri più fervidi di ognibene per il nuovo anno appena cominciato e di esprimervi gratitudine per la benevola considerazione e per l’apprezzamento nei confronti della iniziativa, particolarmente attesa, intesa a far conoscere, to bring prestige and visibility in the meritorious service activities of your club, in the "Club Life" magazine of our district - the success of which you are contributing with exemplary commitment. Feelings that I ask you to extend in the same way after hearing and loving to all the friends of Clubs who care about the fate of our District. Best wishes and majora. Donato Savino.
************************************************* ************************************************** ** News Flash: FROM DISTRICT 2 nd District Seminar
pv Sunday, January 9, from 9:30 am, at the Palace Hotel Appia Massafra TA, will be held the 2nd District seminar on the theme: "Respect the rules and roles: Reflections."
Saltino The DG will be happy to meet, in particular occasion, all the Lions of the District, affected by the important topics covered in the seminar. PROGRAMME OF WORK
- 9.30 Registration of participants
- 9:45 am Welcome by the Coordinator of the Organizing Committee Alberigo
Fonseca - 9:50 am Welcome by the District Governor Rocco Saltino
- 10.00 "What are the rules and roles. Behavioral aspects of individuals and groups "
Speaker Michael Buquicchio - Professor of Public Law - University of Bari
- 10:40 am "Rules and roles in an ethical vision of social service organizations"
Rapporteur Vito Savino - President of the Court of Bari
- Debate
11:20 am - 13:00 Closing remarks by the DG Rocco Saltino
Moderator Vincenzo Ricciardi - District Officer Statutes and Regulations
At the conclusion of the banquet is planned (cost 25 € for those who intend to participate).
(for information: Fonseca: tel. 099-5639673; cell. 329-6184292)
SERVICE Casalnuovo Monterotaro FG
The Governor would like to emphasize that Thursday, 6 January next, at 10.00, for the traditional feast the "Befana" will be distributed to children Casalnuovo Monterotaro the gifts made available by the generosity of Lions Clubs: Host FG, FG Umberto Giordano, Arpi FG, FG New Century, Cerignola, San Severo, Foggia Lucera and clubs and San Leo Severo. The event will be preceded by the ritual of S. Mass to be attended by all local authorities. With
invitation to participate, the initiative of the service, once again supported and publicized by the PDG Pinuccio Vinelli, along with fellow Lions Committee pro Casalnuovo Monterotaro and Clubs Daunia, further provides that the multipurpose room of the Social Centre will be with the same day, a ping-pong (which will act conference table and even read), and the first elements of a modular library for the creation Library, named after the late Governor Loizzi Pasquale, whose inauguration is scheduled for April 25, 2011. The Multidistrict
Service National Children in Need "Burkina Faso
appreciation and gratitude from Burkina Faso (one of the poorest countries in the world) expressed - in a message to the PDG Nicola Tricarico - the CCP Giancarlo Vecchio (Coordinator of National Service) where he visited the first school built (in Djibouti) with the contributions of generous solidarity of the clubs in our District, and attended the foundation stone of the second school.
Pietro Vitale, addetto stampa L.C. Bari Host
Comucazione dell’Addetto Stampa e Comunicazione del Distretto Lions 108/Ab:
Cari amici addetti stampa di Club, questo “Notiziario” mi consente di farvi pervenire e ricambiare gli Auguri più fervidi di ognibene per il nuovo anno appena cominciato e di esprimervi gratitudine per la benevola considerazione e per l’apprezzamento nei confronti della iniziativa, particolarmente attesa, intesa a far conoscere, to bring prestige and visibility in the meritorious service activities of your club, in the "Club Life" magazine of our district - the success of which you are contributing with exemplary commitment. Feelings that I ask you to extend in the same way after hearing and loving to all the friends of Clubs who care about the fate of our District. Best wishes and majora. Donato Savino.
************************************************* ************************************************** ** News Flash: FROM DISTRICT 2 nd District Seminar
pv Sunday, January 9, from 9:30 am, at the Palace Hotel Appia Massafra TA, will be held the 2nd District seminar on the theme: "Respect the rules and roles: Reflections."
Saltino The DG will be happy to meet, in particular occasion, all the Lions of the District, affected by the important topics covered in the seminar. PROGRAMME OF WORK
- 9.30 Registration of participants
- 9:45 am Welcome by the Coordinator of the Organizing Committee Alberigo
Fonseca - 9:50 am Welcome by the District Governor Rocco Saltino
- 10.00 "What are the rules and roles. Behavioral aspects of individuals and groups "
Speaker Michael Buquicchio - Professor of Public Law - University of Bari
- 10:40 am "Rules and roles in an ethical vision of social service organizations"
Rapporteur Vito Savino - President of the Court of Bari
- Debate
11:20 am - 13:00 Closing remarks by the DG Rocco Saltino
Moderator Vincenzo Ricciardi - District Officer Statutes and Regulations
At the conclusion of the banquet is planned (cost 25 € for those who intend to participate).
(for information: Fonseca: tel. 099-5639673; cell. 329-6184292)
SERVICE Casalnuovo Monterotaro FG
The Governor would like to emphasize that Thursday, 6 January next, at 10.00, for the traditional feast the "Befana" will be distributed to children Casalnuovo Monterotaro the gifts made available by the generosity of Lions Clubs: Host FG, FG Umberto Giordano, Arpi FG, FG New Century, Cerignola, San Severo, Foggia Lucera and clubs and San Leo Severo. The event will be preceded by the ritual of S. Mass to be attended by all local authorities. With
invitation to participate, the initiative of the service, once again supported and publicized by the PDG Pinuccio Vinelli, along with fellow Lions Committee pro Casalnuovo Monterotaro and Clubs Daunia, further provides that the multipurpose room of the Social Centre will be with the same day, a ping-pong (which will act conference table and even read), and the first elements of a modular library for the creation Library, named after the late Governor Loizzi Pasquale, whose inauguration is scheduled for April 25, 2011. The Multidistrict
Service National Children in Need "Burkina Faso
appreciation and gratitude from Burkina Faso (one of the poorest countries in the world) expressed - in a message to the PDG Nicola Tricarico - the CCP Giancarlo Vecchio (Coordinator of National Service) where he visited the first school built (in Djibouti) with the contributions of generous solidarity of the clubs in our District, and attended the foundation stone of the second school.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
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of Pinuccio Vinelli PDG
I can tell you, on behalf of the pool of former members of the Board pro Casalnuovo Monterotaro, which, at the initiative of Lions Clubs Host of Foggia, Foggia Arpi, Jordan Foggia, Foggia New Century, Lucera , S. Severus and Cerignola, and Leo Clubs of Foggia and S. Severo,
Thursday, January 6, 2011 at 10:00 am at the
"Befana Casalnuovo Monterotaro" will be donated to children Casalnuovo M. gifts collected by the Clubs Daunia, while in the Social Center with multipurpose hall, built by Lions, will be provided a ping-pong table (which will also be a conference table and reading) as well as the first elements of a modular library for the creation
Library Lions "Pasquale Loizzi.
The Library will be inaugurated on April 25, 2001 (Easter Monday).
You are all invited to attend the ceremony on 6 January, which will be preceded by Holy Mass, to be attended by all local authorities.
For more information, contact the Lions Matthew Agnusdei Foggia Host Lions Club.
I greet you fondly and I take this opportunity to extend
fervent wishes for a peaceful and prosperous 2011.
Pinuccio Vinelli
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