Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Can Walkie Talkies Be Used In The City

The future of the company's Web

In response to this intervention of good Terzini on provocation of the equally good Jacona:
surely moving towards social networks and, in general, towards the one-on-one will à the immediate area where spend communication resources, subject to a brick-institutional basis and reassuring for most companies.

After that there will be? According to me a sort of backflip, back in another form aggregation. The one-on-one it already produces content and solutions, creating a sort of immense particellizzata FAQ on the web, we can partially intercept content through search engines and the stream of updates FB, which presents us with a reality rather than broken up, not very efficient and in which not everyone can travel smoothly.

crucial role in my opinion will then have a tool that can manage reports 1to1, or 1-to-community, but at the same time exploit the knowledge already present, and deftly mixing in a transparent semantic web and direct contact as necessary. In short, I fully agree with mister in the middle: the company website will not disappear, but particellizzerà in the air and will be made of digital trails that are bunched according to the changing needs in our browser.

To put it simply: it increases the "database" and spreads here and there, heterogeneous, the paths are not unique, I do not want / time to sbattezzarmi Rufolo left and right and say "computer, help me to choose between these two bikes" and he will bring alternatives depending on your lifestyle , the color combinations that you like better, the opportunity to speak with a salesperson and get an index of confidence among users of the same probe earlier and much more. Certainly there will

-space strategies for unconventional, but I hope that losing a bit 'of direct control over the flow of communication, you buy the foresight to design products more care, which few people take the bothered to do, rather than engage fanboys that put around bad rumors to distort competition in their favor the market, which is all they do, it works, makes you have more career managerino efficient, cheap and can not distinguish between good and evil. This
at the expense of the unwary, ergo scafatezza culture and will always be the best "firewall": D


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